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The trend is irreversible: McKinsey reports that more than 50% jobs will be taken over by AI in the workplace in the future

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The trend is irreversible McKinsey report says more than 50 jobs in the workplace will be taken over by AI in the future

McKinsey released a report titled "Generativeartificial intelligence (AI)The report "Economic Potential" points out that with the exponential development of artificial intelligence technology, it will have a huge impact on the global economy, especially which industries will be hit the most and which occupations will face the threat of unemployment and other issues. Ultimately, the report concludes that 50% occupations will be gradually replaced by AI over the next decade. The report has also sparked interest in generative AI, with platforms represented by ChatGPT causing a global sensation, and more and more companies beginning to adopt AI technology and develop a variety of new applications. Although the current impact of AI cannot be fully demonstrated, it is certain that generative AI is leading a brand new era of technology.

"In recent years, the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology has already had some impact on the job market. For example, the number of positions such as original game painting, art design and copy editing is decreasing, while the number ofAITalents, however, are highly sought after by companies and have very high salary levels. While there is no mass unemployment yet, the trend will perhaps gradually intensify with the advent of the AI era. According to a McKinsey report, it is predicted that the application of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT will contribute trillions of dollars to global economic growth. These tools will be widely used across a wide range of industries, opening up huge growth opportunities for the global economy."

The trend is irreversible McKinsey report says more than 50 jobs in the workplace will be taken over by AI in the future

The economic impact of generative AI will be huge, but it is important to note that this is only a preliminary prediction, and if other potential application areas are taken into account, then the number could double. Lareina Yee, a senior partner and chairman at McKinsey Technology, noted in a report that this technology will inject much-needed productivity into the economy. However, some highly paid brain workers could be the biggest losers as this technology grows. According to the report, about 75% of the value growth will occur in four areas: customer operations, marketing and sales, software engineering and research and development.

Generative AI will have a profound impact on industries such as banking, high tech and life sciences. These industries will benefit from increased customer satisfaction, facilitated decision making, and reduced fraud. In banking alone, the technology is expected to create an additional $200 billion to $340 billion in value for the industry, equivalent to an increase in operating profit of 9% to 15%. In product development, AI technology can increase productivity by 10% to 15%, which is particularly useful in areas such as the life sciences and chemical industries. For example, AI can generate potential molecules faster, thereby accelerating the development process of new drugs and materials. This would have a significant impact on the profits of pharmaceutical and medical product companies, potentially reaching increases of up to 25%.

The trend is irreversible McKinsey report says more than 50 jobs in the workplace will be taken over by AI in the future

Over the past few decades, AI technology has gone through many stages of development, from the initial conceptualization to the current gradual application on the ground. The development of AI technology is in line with the law of the Gartner curve, first through the stage of market speculation and capital flocking, then through the stage of recovery after the bubble burst, and finally into the stage of maturity and wide application. Currently, AI technology has come out of the laboratory and is gradually penetrating into our daily lives. Although we can't predict what changes AI will bring in the future, we should respect the objective law of technological development and leave the problems to be solved by technology. Therefore, we need to keep a cool head instead of worrying about the sky.

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