Tencent QQ starts testing AI conversation feature called 'AI Chat Hitchhiker'

QQ's AI dialog function has been opened for testing, named "AI". chat partnerThe AI Chat Hitchhiker Intelligent Service in QQ's internal test is actually an AI character interactive chat product, which currently contains different types of virtual characters such as companion, story, challenge, MBTI, celebrity, etc." said Mr. Wang, who is also a member of the AI Chat Hitchhiker Intelligent Service in QQ's internal test.
Users can choose a virtual character that matches their type and chat with them in real time, just like they would with their friends. It's worth noting that because avatars incur a math cost each time they reply, regular QQ users can chat with these avatars for up to 100 messages per day, while super members can chat for up to 400 messages per day.
In many QQ groups, users have discussions and tips on using this feature, and there are daily lists of players for their favorite virtual characters.